Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Why I Haven't Been Harping Much

This is the completed paper copy (basically just to HAVE it and GLOAT over it--the mss proper will be submitted electronically sometime tomorrow) of the novel I have been writing for the last four years.  Hiero's Answer which completes the trilogy begun by Sterling E. Lanier, Hiero's Journey.

Alas, no harps in it, and barely any music at all.

BUT from the moment I push that GO button tomorrow until the end of summer it will be MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC!  I'm getting very excited about it!

This Saturday I will go to the Carolan Festival where, for the first time ever my fiddling sister Emily is going to make it, coming down from Montreal.  And lots of other folks too, finally!  I have been sneaking in some practicing here and there.  Working especially hard on All Alive - which I learned form Laoise Kelley to play at the open mike.


  1. Ready, Set, GO!!! Congrats Lucy on completing your novel, I must check it out (and the first one by Sterling E. Lanier as well.....)
    Have a blast at the O'Carolan festival!

  2. Congratulations on your labor of love! What a feat! Now, have fun with thy music, and play on!! O'Carolan- what a treat!

  3. Whoop de do! Happy acceptance letters and happy O'Carolan-ing!
