Friday, June 12, 2015

June, spoon, tune....

Well, I just read Andee's amazing roller coaster of a post, and she takes my breath away!  WOW!  I had a bit of an interesting coffee house gig last Saturday night.  I have been much more confident lately, and relaxed, and focused on the tune, and the tone...and smiling and breathing and giving myself permission to slow down, etc.... and when I walked in and saw a group of folks in the audience that I had known for eons as really good musicians, only now formed into a jazzy, rather than a Celtic, band that was there to perform as well, I almost lost it!  Shaking in my boots as I climbed the steps to the stage.  Played a new tune (for me) Bonny At Morn  after I gave some background on it, then played Eleanor Plunkett, and then Banish Misfortune (NOT super fast...not sure how traditional players play that jig).
But, I cannot remember most of what I said or played!  It was like I was having an out of body experience!  Honestly- what was with that?!  I was very annoyed with myself, but apparently did not crash too badly, as the audience liked it and I got compliments.  I would really like to remember playing, though!  Crazy!  I had been practicing those 3 tunes pretty intently, plus had prepared an encore piece if there was time or desire from the must have mostly been going on muscle memory.   Better than nothing!
The next evening I played 8 tunes from memory for the Celtic Evensong service, and not one jitter or spasm did I have.  I know I wasn't perfect, but i incorporated the glitches and kept moving forward.  So, I guess performing live will always contain surprises!

I love the tip from Andee about keeping 10 tunes on the burner, more or less simultaneously.  Will give that a try!  I am sort of doing that, but I like the method described.

Play on, friends!  There is something magic about the Celtic Harp!  Love to you all- Sharon


  1. Great post Sharon! I empathize with you a hundred percent when you said you saw your musician friends in the audience and almost lost it! Maybe the out of body experience was how you coped with such an intense situation, at least you coped and did very well from the sound of your post. Sometimes jumping in at the deep end is the best way to go (bypass the baby pool, go right for the olympic sized pool!)

  2. And yet often those friends are the most supportive too. Interesting body response tough .. . . and it does sound as if you did extremely well.
