Sunday, March 17, 2013

Andee: March 17 - 24
Sunday  St. Pat's Day!  Got to practicing late in the day due to being struck down with the worst cramps ever (sorry if that is TMI!), glad I didn't have any gigs today.

Been working on my recent new tunes (the ones I practiced last week) plus did a quickie review of Flying to the Fleadh (still have it under my fingers thank goodness) and am now doing a review of  Novia Scotia Reel (it's on John and John's CD) which sounds really good if you do a D drone on the B part in the left hand the last time through (rather than the G) which is what they do and then go into a tune in G, don't remember what I used to put with it so will try a few G reels to see what sounds good with it.  Well it sounds good as the first tune then going into Come West and then Mountain Rd.

Monday No practice. :-(

Tuesday  It's my day off so I can get lots of practicing in.  It's also open mic night tonight so I'm concentrating mostly on what I plan to play tonight:
Nova Scotia Reel / Come West Along the Road / Mountain Road
Were You at the Rock?
George White's / Man of the House
Father O'Flynn / MacAllistrum's March
I  may hit on a few other things as well which could serve as back-ups since I'm maybe not 100% confident with all of the above.

Wednesday I practiced so much on Tuesday I split the skin on my right thumb and it hurts!  Plus didn't get back from the open mic til late--only a few hours sleep so no practice tonight--taking it easy and letting my thumb heal.

Thursday and my birthday!  It's been a hectic day so far (I worked today) and we haven't had dinner yet so we will see if I get any practicing in today....
I did get a bit of playing in on my birthday.  Mike helped me with 'The Leaving of  Liverpool', which is a really simple song, but he noticed that it wasn't flowing and the phrasing was out of synch with the way it would be sung.  My left hand was determining the phrasing rather than the other way around.  I|t was a good insight.  Now I've got to play along with a recording (or a youtube) of it to get it right.


  1. My Flying to the Fleadh never got totally in my fingers...... I love it though, and should get back to it. Do you play that Laura?

  2. OK - I am very very impressed, but let that thumb heal! I only ever get a blister on my right ring finger, never on the others.

    Father O'Flynn is a great tune, now that I play on the c'tina!

  3. Oh my! Happy Birthday to you Andee!! Hope it was a fine day.

  4. Thanks! I worked, of course--always working these days...

  5. That is a good insight. I wonder how often I do that?
