Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Have You Played Your Harp Today? Read Me First!!!

   WELCOME!   Celtic harpers all!

The purpose of this blog is to see if we can't create a supportive community that works in a simple and straightforward way for those of us who, for one reason or another, aren't practicing enough.

You can lose your way practicing for all sorts of reasons, from moving to an isolated place where you have no teacher, to illness and too many distractions and obligations, to that unsettling moment, isn't it, when your teacher looks at you and says, "You know, I've taught you what you need to know.  I can't, in good conscience, take money from you anymore."

You know she or he is right.
You know you still have an infinite amount to learn.
You hope workshops and gigs and gatherings will be enough to inspire and keep you sharp.
You have so many fine resolutions.
You will keep up with all your Carolan tunes.
You will learn those airs once and for all.
You will add more slip jigs to your repertoire.
You make lists.
You start strongly.

But then even if you do have the time without that weekly or bi-weekly lesson to focus on your good intentions come to.... if not nothing.... then less than you had hoped.  A lot less.

This is crazy!  you think - just when I start to get good I'm falling apart!  You know what's missing: connection and a sense of accountability.  The festivals, occasional get-togethers, the gigs that come and go - they are not quite enough to keep you going.  And maybe you don't like playing publicly anyway, you just like to play for yourself.  So why aren't you?

We've settled on a monthly entry - you can either edit it or add comments however works best for you.  We like posting photos too!

MY GOALS THIS WEEK: MARCH 3-10...... hmmmmmm......... here's the problem..... I don't have any.   Immediately my mind starts buzzing.   What I have found works, sort of, is picking two or three tunes per week and focussing my efforts on them.  At the end of the week I might or might not continue with all or some of those tunes.  It doesn't mean I can't play other tunes, just that, when I sit down, I will try to play those first.  (note use of the word 'try').   A lot of my practicing involves tune recovery by the way..... they constantly fall out of my head.....

From the Harper's Escape 2012 we learned:
1. Mo Ghile Mear - march - I've got the melody but keep losing track of the accompaniment.
One of my secret goals is to work at 'getting' handier at improvising...... this is a perfect tune for some noodling, especially starting easy and getting more involved.  SO DO THAT.  This is on the Harper's Escape 2012 CD
2. The Boys of the Town  Double jig. In Grainne's book and easy to find on Youtube.  (I'll add some links) A very cool tune.
3. The Glass of Beer Reel.   This is 'tune recovery'  - I learned this early on with Kathy Dangelo and I want to jazz up my left hand a little, the accompaniment I originally learned was very simple.  So I'm always envious when others play it with more cool stuff!  So..... that involves listening to Grainne play it and peeking in her book too for ideas.  (It's on Between the Showers.)

Each person who 'joins' can be a 'contributor.'  I invite you using your regular email address.  If you want to be invited write me at Lucyavery@aol.com 



  1. Hi All
    Thank you Lucy for putting up this blog site. I knew you could do it!!! I am excited about prospect of inspiring each other to practice more! So, for this week I am dusting off Molly St George, Glass of Beer and O'Farrell's welcome to Limerick. I know it is Friday so I will make it my mission to start this weekend and continue next week. Talk to you next week!:0)

    1. Hi Laura, I am Pam. I am looking for a good O'Ferrell version. Would you mind sharing whose arrangement you're using, or if you're playing by ear? Thanks!

    2. Laura and I both play O'Farrell's and we pretty much play what is in Grainne Hambly's (I think?) first book of arrangements - Green cover - "Includes many pieces from her CD Between the Showers". Happy to be of help; it's a great tune!

  2. Hi Lucy and Laura! Lately I've been practicing a lot, but I can always practice *more* (my fiddle needs to be played more, actually)!

    My goals for the past week will continue into next week. Lately I've been picking 2 or 3 new tunes to learn and trying to also focus on some old ones so I don't lose them (others do need more serious recovery).

    New ones I'm working on are: the slow air @Were You at the Rock?@,the song (no I'm not singing) 'The Leaving of Liverpool', a Cornish air 'I Love My Love'. Tunes I'm currently brushing up on are 'George White's and 'The Rights of Man' which I play as a set. Lucy you've reminded me of 'Boys of the Town' and that one needs a full recovery--maybe starting next week!

  3. Oh! I messed up! I do play The Rights of Man but it's already been brushed up and I don't play it with George Whites--that would be a bit weird, I think. I meant to say Man of the House which does sound good coming after George White's.

    Am I supposed to pick a font colour? Not entirely sure how this all works, but you can pick for me as long as it's not too hard on the eyes!

  4. Is there a difference between posting in the comments here and being an author? Not sure how it works....

    Do either of you still play Crabs in the Skillet? I am seriously bummed that I no longer play it and even Kathy said she need to brush up on it (I asked if I could have a Skype lesson with her to refresh myself on that one) before showing it to me again.

    1. Hi Andee. It sounds like you are working hard on a LOT of things. Good for you! I haven't played Crabs in the Skillet in years. I sometimes try to find someone playing the tune on Youtube to refresh my memory to get the melody back...Skype lesson sounds good too.Laura

  5. Hi Andee - you should be able to sign right into the blog itself to write your comments......

    I've got the new week up - March 10-17. We've had daylight savings start up today, and now I'll be behind for the next six months. I never catch up it feels like......

    Yes, I've played that with Man of the House, that's an old Harp Orchestra set, eh? I'm going to start that set now with a different tune, make it three!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'm assuming you mean you play Man of the House with George White's (not Crabs). Didn't remember we did it that way with the Harp Orchestra--just thought they sounded good together.

    Maybe we can have a Skype date at some point so you can show me Crabs and I'll show you something in return.

    Oh, and I have no idea how to sign in to the actual blog itself to leave comments there...

  8. OK, Mike helped me to figure it out--I will post in the actual blog tomorrow!

  9. Hi Everybody: reading everybody's comments on what they're working on. I should really work on those tunes as well! Ha! Too many gigs though last week and this to get started on anything new. After St. Patrick's Day I'm planning on getting reacquainted with Pol Ha'Penny from the Harpers' Escape book. I've been teaching this tune to my fiddle students so I really should figure out what I want my left hand to be doing with this tune on the harp.

  10. Hi Kath - this is already 'last week's post' but that's ok - we're in a learning curve here, anyhow - I pretty much use the accompaniment that Grainne taught with the tune, because it really works. I'll check and see later.

    Yes -- I expect we will find ourselves playing some of the same tunes and getting good ideas - that happens over on the on-line book thing I belong to (called LibraryThing) that inspired me to try this, actually. We do read some of the same books, give each other ideas, give each other support - it's just great!

  11. Joanne Justina, March 16, 2013
    I love learning to play the harp. I have a wonderful teacher. However, I'm so 'busy' with life that I'm not practicing as much as I should or would like to. I need help in figuring out what to eliminate from my schedule so I have more harp practicing time. Sounds easy to do, but it isn't.

  12. Happy St. Patrick's Day friends! I started my St. Patrick's Day by practicing my harp.....ahhhh It's gonna be a great day! I played through our Harper's Escape Tunes....Molly St. George and The Green Fields of Woodford. Love these tunes! Thanks Kathy and Grainne. Hey Lucy...how can we get this blog to other people...like maybe my harp student? Do you have to invite?

  13. How do I get a picture instead of the google sign?

  14. Hey Lucy..I got your invitation to contribute. It brought me to Google +. I set a minimal profile. But afterwards could not figure out if I was writing on the google + page or on your page???? I freaked out and deleted my profile.. now it looks like I am still on your page but I'm not. YIKES! I will figure it out eventually. I guess I freaked because I thought I was putting up another social networking site and it wasn't what you and Andee had....not sure I wanted it if I wasn't connecting with you guys...???

  15. Do you have to invite me again?

  16. I was searching to see if the Somereset site had people looking to share rooms yet, but found your blog instead! What a great idea, especially for people like myself, who have no nearby harpers. I love getting ideas from other people's practice lists. Today is a snow day here in New Hampshire, so I hope to play a lot. My goals for the week: memorize Kim Robertson's Fhear a Bata, work out an Ashokan Farewell duet with the guitar player, and then listen to YouTube for funky Morrison's Jig/Road to Linsdoonvarna ideas. Thanks for creating this blog, Lucy!

  17. Pamela and Joanne, welcome!

    If you would like to have your own 'Post' here, send me your email addresses: to Lucyavery@aol.com and I will invite you to be 'contributors' . The idea is to start a post for the week, and put all your notes about what you are doing on it. We can read your post and encourage you. The new week starts on Sundays.

    - I'm already noticing that one problem I have is overloading and getting discouraged. The reality is about two tunes per week, at least for me.

    I love Ashokan Farewell! Another tune I need to review.

  18. Hi everyone...its Theresa in VA -- first time doing this, so I'm going to give it a try. I'm nearly 3 years into my harp journey and I started lessons with Debbie Brewin-Wilson via SKYPE a year ago. I hope this will keep me "honest" with my practice time and help me watch for trends. I will come back on Sunday and post my plan for the week.
    Hope everyone has a great day. Theresa

  19. Hi Theresa - Welcome! You can make your own blog entry for June by going up to the top right 'New Post' section. I've set it up to be monthly, so you should enter all of your comments for the month onto that post (you can return to it . When you finish your post you choose 'update'. Then you can use that blog easily to keep track of your own goals and progress through the year. Sounds good?! Just explore! You can post photographs and links too. We look forward to hearing from you!
