Wednesday, February 3, 2016

What Happened to January??

 Greetings from a chilly dreary soggy mess here in NH.  Feels more like March.  What a strange winter!  But, I am also finding myself playing more harp!  Added another new student- also an organ performance major and a professional musician.  Daunting that both of my students are so far ahead of me musically, but I am able to start them off right on the harp!  I pretty much channel my incredible harp teacher, Mary Graham, and what I have learned in workshops along the way from other amazing harpists.  I do not think I will need to guide either one of them for too long.  While getting that proper position, and learning how to work both hands and get the best tone out of the harp is a steep learning curve, even for great keyboard players, once it CLICKS the rest is really up to the player.  Play, practice, listen, learn.   Check in to be sure you haven't picked up some bad habits. Play and have fun!

I have been working on a bunch of new (to me) tunes and trying to get them off the page really quickly.  Eilie Gheal (?) is lovely, and the Electric Jig is just pure fun.  Also trying to learn some more Scandanavian  tunes from Sue Richards' book.  AND, a first for me, working with the exercises in the famous Grossi book!  I hate to do exercises (all kinds, no matter what part of the body or mind- sheer laziness or easily bored??!!)  but after attending the South East Harp Conference this fall, Emily Mitchell really showed us the value of this book, and of taking the time.  Strength and agility are acquired thru these exercises, and you certainly need both to play well.  So, I bit the bullet and bought the book- and have actually been using it!  Now I am singing the praises, but may just be preaching to the choir! 

I know I had 3 sets of houseguests in January!  My son and his wife came to stay for 9 days, but we barely saw them.  Guess we will have to travel to Denver if we really want to spend focused time with them!  Too many people here want to see them, besides us.  Also had my new(ish) harp friend from Maine  down early in the month for 3 days, with her beautiful Thormalen.  Kate always challenges me- and we have a ton of fun playing together, trying new stuff, and playing duets or parts.  Multiple harps make just the most magical sound!  Got to invite my more experienced student to join us- we did trios!  Wow!!  Too much fun, and the visit was over too soon. Definitely inspired me to make the time to play more without the guilt of "I should be doing..." xyor z chore.....!

So, Lucy, we need to make a plan to meet somewhere in between me and you!  When the weather is somewhat less messy.  What do you think?! 

Well, except that I am also very involved in the Bernie campaign- and will be going full blast this coming weekend- life is running fairly smoothly.  Hope that is true for all of you!!  Happy Harping!!

Love, Sharon

1 comment:

  1. Yes we do have to organize a meet-up. I have a harp friend too who recently moved to New Hampshire (don't ask me where! A lake . . . an hour east of, say, Hanoverish). I would come and stay at a B&B or something and we could get together that way? I'll look into it for the spring/early summer.
