Monday, February 29, 2016

February 2016

Hello ladies!   I am touched that you were missing me this month.  I have taken a bit of a break from my music in order to do a lot of writing.  I will get back in the harp swing in March.

The video above is from a peace vigil my friend held on Christmas Eve (hence the alternate name of I Am Peace), but it also goes with one of my poems.  The title of the poem is Return to Avalon which also is the name of the piece.  It is a bit bumpy and rough (funny how you can play it perfectly when you don't hit the 'record' button!)

I am still loving being here in North Clare and love going to the sessions to play and listen, but now I also go to open mics to read my poetry.  Eventually I will be able to combine the music and poetry into a single performance.

Not much more to report........growing, expanding, learning, loving......... <3


  1. Wow! Beautiful video/recording! Is that your own composition? I assumed so but wasn't sure if it just shared the same title as your poem. Which, I would love to read! So exciting! You sound good- glad things are moving forward for you! Sending love and hugs- Sharon

  2. Thank you dear Sharon! Yes I wrote it to go with the poem. Are you on facebook? It is on my Andee Anko Harp & Poetry page. But I will cut and paste it for you here:

    Return to Avalon

    My woolen blankets and searing fire could not warm your cold bones
    My gentle touch and simple magick could not heal your grievous wound
    You left your staff at my door
    And walked into the mists
    And walked outside of time
    And walked the long lonely road down to where the limestone pavement meets the sea

    Manaan Mac Lir! Rein in your tide-borne chariot, calm your raging depths

    Arianrhod! Lady of the moon and stars, shine your silver light upon the treacherous ocean's surface

    Show him the way safely Home
    To where only the softest of breezes stirs the trees eternally heavy with blossoms
    To the Isle of Apples
    The King returns

    Andee Anko 2015

    1. Oh my GOSH!! I have goosebumps on my goosebumps!! Wish I knew correct pronunciation of the Irish names, but the whole poem, pronounced correctly or not, feels absolutely scrumptious in my mouth when spoken! Does that make sense, what I am saying? It fits the tongue the way certain tunes fit the harp- perfectly! And the imagery- wow!

  3. Thank you! I use arechtypal figures and themes from different pantheons,myth and fairy tales and overlay them overtop actual people and events in my own life..............
