Wednesday, May 20, 2015

May! For Our Eyes Only!

Have You Played Your Harp Today (HYPYPT) Hip Hip Hooray and whoop-TEE-do?

I don't think anything will change, since pretty much everyone here is known to everyone else through me or in other ways.  As we get more comfortable with each other I think the urge to be more open about not only music but music intertwined with other aspects of our lives is natural.  And I know I have hesitated sometimes.  I had a request and I think it's a great idea!  Anyone who is invited and joins is under no obligation to write a thing.

xo all!


And PS I actually played the harp briefly at a session last night, wonderful Captain O'Kane.  Thrilled that I can still play.


  1. Thank you Lucy! As you all can see, I deleted my April post, as exciting as it was. I wear my heart on my sleeve and am still (after all these years) not the most savvy when it comes to internet privacy and maybe it's best the whole world (and all of the North Clare Irish music scene) not know everything that's going on with me right now!

  2. I haven't posted recently and part of the reason is exactly that - everyone could have read what I wanted to post. So, thank you! Hope all is well!

  3. And there I was posting about my loves and crushes, LOL ah well, at least I only said good things about people (there's nothing bad to say anyway!).

  4. So put them baaaaack, Andee! I missed out on all of it. (Of course, not if you don't want to???) I live in Ireland vicariously through you now, so . . . .

  5. Ah did you not see my April post?! I love the cat, by the way!!! I shall add onto my May post with what I can remember about April.....

  6. Isn't that a great photo? I searched around for awhile for some 'eyes' I liked!

  7. Gotta love the cats!! I have added on to my May post with April doings.......
