Sunday, April 28, 2013

Oh the Merry Month of May

Week 1 (April 28 - May 4)  In honor of May I have been reviving Samradh Samradh (Summer Summer) which is an easy little tune, but for some reason I never learned it fully.  It was taught to me 15 years ago by Janet Harbison when I took her week long harp intensive in the Antrim Glens.

I've also been learning The Shire Song (Concerning Hobbits) and though I've spent a lot of time on it the second longer and more complicated part is still barely formed.  I can play the first part and then go into another tune, but really should learn the whole thing properly.

I really jumped the gun with my busking idea as the weather has been windy and cold and a bit wet.  I went walking yesterday in the Dales and needed gloves, hat, scarf, multiple layers.  So yeah, I'll leave it til temps and conditions are more summery.


  1. We did Samradh. Samradh at the Harper's Escape a couple of years ago!!!!

    What a great idea to learn some LOTR music.

  2. Yes, I've got one of the books and noticed it was in there.

  3. I'm going to take my recent post and re-post it in the monthly format and then erase this one..... you can do the same if you like, or I can do it for you. Ah - you have the new book? Marvelous!
