Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Happy Harping 2017

Happy New Year everyone!

Clearly I am a hopeless administrator as I don't think I have yet succeeded in bringing this blog back into the public domain . . .  however it is not for lack of trying.  Well, maybe a little.  I'll have another go at it as soon as I'm done here. 

Life continues to be a bit too complicated for me and as a result I am not playing or practicing very much music of late. I am TRYING to, and now and then I get the harp tuned up and I play something or other.  Whenever I do get the harp out and tuned and start playing I love it as much as ever.  I never thought this would ever happen, a hiatus of this duration, but so it goes.   

That said, I hope for all of you harpers out there, lurkers and posters, that you have a good solid harp-playing year!  I am hoping that will be my lot as well!

Ok folks, be advised I think this blog is now FULLY PUBLIC again.  If we don't like that it will go partially private (invitation only) but I don't see this as necessary.  


  1. I think I have succeeded in making the blog accessible again.

  2. Greetings! Finding myself also struggling to make time for the harp- and loving it just as much when I do! Why is this such a struggle lately?? I know I need more time with her- not less. Good for us both! Harp on!

  3. Hoping that you play more - and post more! - as the year goes on.
