Sunday, October 19, 2014

Past Mid-October and the Weather is Blowing in From the Atlantic

Hello ladies, I have made it safe and sound back to Ireland.  Wounds that were just starting to heal were ripped open (there are a lot of memories here of many happy times with Mike) and I spent the first couple days attending to that and trying to get settled in.

Time to put myself on some kind of a schedule (around working and socializing, which are both very important to my healing right now).  I set up and tuned up my harp in the small octagon hall and this morning before anyone was awake and before the sun was even up (7:00, not as early as it sounds!) I practiced for an hour.  Next time I will practice fiddle stuff as well.

I am continuing to practice both harp and fiddle.  Have moved out of the small octagon hall into the big one for now--but it may be too cold in there, I will see.

Making new friends, even going to the pub a couple times so far to hear the local musicians play in the sessions.  I may work my fiddling back up to participating in the session again. I am toying with the idea of doing a little concert for the Boghill community.  Who knows, maybe I'll find someone to play with once in a while.


  1. Glad you are arrived safely even if not entirely in one piece. That will come.

  2. Did you really move over and have a job waiting for you?? An do you really have an octagonal hall to practice in? These sound like very lucky, healing things!

  3. Yes Pamela! Yes to all of those things. I am extremely blessed and am very grateful. In fact I have *two* octagonal halls to practice in--one small and one big!

  4. All good stuff, it sounds like. May not yet be in one piece, but at this rate you should be finding peace- and healing- in such positive surroundings. Thinking of you in two octagonal halls, and can barely imagine the sound! Wow! And Wow, again! Hold onto the good stuff- let go of the bad...easy to say, but sometimes hard to do. Sending love. Sharon

  5. Thank you for the love, Sharon!
