Saturday, June 7, 2014

Harping in June!

Yesterday I played the local farmer's market and we got a month's worth of rain in just a few hours!  But this is England and rain doesn't deter people so there were plenty of people to hear me and the waterproof gazebo worked just fine!

I had 8 harps in my house yesterday for our play-together.  I taught everyone The Boys of  Bluehill, someone else taught a French tune and another lady taught a jig which is also a song Follow Me Down to Carlow.

My chocolate chocolate chip muffins were a success and now I'm gearing up to our gig at Kirkstall Abbey which is on this Sunday.

Kirkstall Abbey gig went well, this time I played it with Mike and he backed up my tunes with guitar and sang some songs.  There was also a farmer's market on at the same time so that was nice since it meant more people milling around.


  1. Is this harp walnut? Because it looks EXACTLY like mine!
    Also, I am thinking of traveling to London in early August. Can you think of anything especially harp-ish I should do while I'm there?

  2. Hi Pam! Yes it is walnut, Dusty Strings, FH32. Is your a Dusty, too (I forget!). You are going to be in London! We will be in Ireland in early August (yay!) otherwise I would maybe try and meet up with you. I can't think of anything especially harpy to do in and around London. How long will you be staying for? As far as stuff in general, definitely the British Museum. If you have time, take the train out to Bath. Bath is gorgeous and they have a great museum of fashion and costume is you are into that.

  3. Lucy, thanks! They are actually salmon pink in real life!

  4. Congratulations on play-together and muffin success!
