Greetings Fellow Harp Bloggers-
Summer is fast disappearing. We are still in major drought with stressed plants and trees, and critters, and people. Our wonderful trip to England in the spring seems like it happened decades ago- if it truly happened! Why is that? Time and memories play such tricks on us....
Had a good July and August despite heat and humidity (with no rain??!!) that felt more like the deep south than New Hampshire. Harpy friends I had met in Lubec decided to rent a cabin on a nearby lake for a week before I returned to Lubec, Maine and Summerkeys music camp for adults! We got together twice and jammed with harps and a flute or two (my daughter was here for the first jam, with her flute, and they brought a friend who was a first chair flute in a Virginia orchestra!) What fun! I love making music with other people!!
Had another fabulous week way up in Maine. Brought my harp student along, who also loved it, and really felt that week of intensity without real life butting in to distract us, really helped her gain confidence on the strings, and push forward. Sue Richards is so fun to be with as well- such an incredible talent and such a wonderful, funny, kind and chock full of tunes lady, besides! Great teacher- wonderful mentor. Unfortunately, at the end of the week she let us all know that after all these years, she will not be returning to Lubec next season. Too far to travel, she says, now that she lives in Asheville. I am very very sad about this- she had promised we would be old women together, still at Summerkeys, and enjoying hot chocolate on the island of Campobello after lessons, swinging or rocking on Josey's Porch, overlooking the Bay. Life- too many changes, too fast. I am not happy.
And the not happy continued as we were driving home on that Saturday- my cousin called to let me know her brother had committed suicide that morning. Third relative in three years to do so, on my dad's side of the family. Upon arriving at home and calling dad to let him know the news, I was informed HE was in the hospital. End stage CHF- he turned 86 while in the hospital, but until then was living independently, doing his own shopping, cooking, laundry, driving- taking care of his precious dog who kept him going after mom passed 6 years ago... after an intense roller coaster week of med tweaking, bad events, positive outcomes, no guarantees and an unhappy prognosis, it looked like we would be taking him home after the Labor Day weekend- "with help". That Saturday he felt better than he had in weeks, and died in his sleep in the early morning on Sunday. We are in shock, even though we knew we were on borrowed time. Need to get the apartment cleared out by the end of the month, and I am executor, so need to handle the legal stuff. Thankfully I have a terrific sister who is a huge help, and much more savvy about legal stuff than I am. And she is only an hour away. Also, thankfully, dad was extremely well organized, and methodical, so we have far less chaos to deal with than many other folks do. And also, already having downsized from a house to apartment living many years ago, the sheer volume of THINGS to sort, pack, throw or otherwise disperse, is minor compared to folks who have a huge house, barn, sheds etc to stuff things into from many generations past! The world is drowning in stuff. We are suffocating with stuff. We are poisoning the land and water with our stuff. And if we don't make and buy STUFF, our economy collapses. How do we change this vicious cycle???
So, you would think this would be a perfect time to wrap my arms around Colleen and pluck those strings... but the truth is, she has not seen the light of day since I returned from Lubec. I have played out some sorrow on the piano- my first musical love- but I kept getting snippets of this phrase about hanging harps in the trees because of the sadness....turns out it is from a Psalm (137?) that says... By the waters of Babylon they wept, remembering Zion....and hung their harps in the willows, in the midst of it... Too sad to harp, yet I know when I can bear it, it will be healing. I have accepted a paying gig for Nov 5th, so I know I will have to push myself to prepare for that and focus. In the meantime, packing, sorting and crying a lot while driving!
So- also not happy to have lost contact with everybody on this blog! Hope all is well, and things are bringing you joy as you create music, or other art! Would love to know you folks are still out there- Love, Sharon