Saturday, June 24, 2017

A Bit of June and All of July


Two of my loves

Hooray!  Who knows why but I've been playing the harp lately after a long hiatus.  I'll be going to CIAW in a few weeks -- where I am loaning my Fisher to Michael Rooney for the duration.  I hope he'll fill it with wonderful vibes.   Anyway, I am signed up for MR all day every day while I am there. 
I'm going through my "list" -- the 100 or so tunes I do like a lot or know that my friends like to play.  Working hard.  Some days it might only be fifteen minutes, but it is better than the big null minutes that has been the pattern of late.

Adding on:  CIAW -- Catskill Irish Arts Week in East Durham.  Michael Rooney will be teaching harp for A WHOLE WEEK!  He hasn't been across the pond in yonks, so I am truly excited.  I debated doing part concertina part harp, but that never works, it's best to pick one instrument and do only that even if you end up only going to a morning or afternoon class.

I am also loaning Michael my Fisher for the week because, well, because he should have the best he possibly can while here. Although Grainne is my harp goddess, Michael is in a parallel spot as not only a great composer and teacher but very very fun to be in class with.  I think I had my first harp workshop with him at CIAW in 2003!!! Dear Kathy took my Camac which has been living in Philadelphia lately, across the Delaware to someone who will bring it up to East Durham tomorrow, so I will have a decent harp to play for the week.  I have a tiny Dusty and I was debating using that, but the reality is that the Camac will be better.  That, by the way, probably has a buyer up here, which will be a good thing.  I have no business having so many harps (I have four) although it is nice to have loaners.

My list of 100 (which I think is not an exact number).   Easily remedied, I will attach a link to it (if I can figure out how to do that!)  the pluses you see on the page mean I've actually played it within living memory (in 2017).  Lots of pluses mean I've decided to work hard on it.   It's meant to be a practice indicator -- there are a number of tunes I barely play that have no pluses as well as several I play very well that I just haven't gotten to this year.

Scratch the above idea -- I'll copy and paste.

Just home from Irish Arts week in the Catskills where Michael Rooney was teaching.  Been listening to the tunes he recorded for us -- every single one is a wonder!  I have enough work to keep busy for ages.  Very happy!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Middle of June already???

Greetings from hot and humid NH!  Anybody out there??  Hubby and I spent the last two weeks of May in wonderful Ireland- made a big circle mostly on the coast, from Kilkenny to Killarney up the Wild Atlantic Way to Doolin and Donegal, and over to County Antrim and Ballycastle- ending up in Dublin for the last few days!  Actually got to see the ancient Brian Boru harp in Trinity College- and the Book of Kells, of course!  The harp really moved me- to literal tears.  Overwhelming to think what a long tradition we belong to, no matter how near or far....

One of the highlights was a chance to visit with (and finally meet in person) the sparkling Andee Anko!  The Bog Hill Centre, where she lives and works,  is a fascinating place, and a hot spot for traditional music, and other fascinating things! The whole area around Doolin and Lisdoonvarna,and in Dingle and Donegal as well- MUSIC!!  Loved it!!

So, why haven't I played the harp since we got back?  Playing catch up at work and home seems to take all my time again- and the heat and humidity saps the energy....ugh.  However, what my fingers have failed to do, my ear is making up for- I have been playing Celtic music, both instrumental and vocal, almost nonstop since our return!  Have fallen in love with the High Kings- and the tunes just keep going thru the brain!  (I wake up with Rocky Road to Dublin going thru my head more mornings than not!)  So- once the dust settles, I hope to take some of those tunes and apply them to the instrument.  We shall see!

So, my daughter is leaving today for that very same Lisdoonvarna, where she will be working with horses and tour guiding to the Cliffs of Moher.  Kate will be bringing her flute, penny whistle and voice, and hopes to be able to soak up the local musical atmosphere as well!  I am very envious- and know that her 7 weeks there will fly by!

So- if anybody is out there, have a grand summer!  Take care!!  Harp on!!
